Saturday, October 3, 2009

Shower Weekend!

Things have been a little crazy what with all the writing of big scary checks to vendors and being swept off to a surprise bachelorettes party, and we haven't gotten a chance to post about last week's epic Shower Weekend!

It started out on Saturday when M and I went off to do some errands and came back to find a slew of cars parked in front of the house. Inside, the first floor had been redecorated by our Rockin' Best Man Leah and our lovely friends. The only lights were strung up lanterns and blue string lights that made everything white glow--including Baby, our guinea pig. There on the floor was the area rug from Romania that we plan to use as our wedding dance floor and there were pillows all over the floor and gypsy music playing. And of course, a bunch of our awesome friends all standing around waiting for us. We listened to good music and ate great food and had great conversations. It was fantastic! My face hurt from smiling so much.

The next morning we were off to Pickity Place with my side of the family for an incredibly delicious lunch all made with fresh herbs and local ingredients. Pickity is this cute little place hidden up a dirt road in Mason, NH so getting there can be a real adventure. We got to sit around and chat with the fam' and have a great time. After everything that has been so high energy, it was nice to have some time to just sit around and catch up with people we love.

I know there were pictures taken at both showers, but we haven't seen them yet. If they pop up, we'll probably add them on here, and if not that will be okay too. Just imagine us with huge grins surrounded by people who love us.

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